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CDSL Demat Account Market Share Increases To 78%
CDSL's demat market share increased, NSDL's decreased. Discount brokerages like Groww and Angel One gained, while Zerodha's market share decreased.
Angel One Catching Up To Zerodha In Active Users To Become Number 2 Brokerage Firm In Country: Report
Groww Users Can't Apply For IPOs Due To Technical Glitch, Social Media Erupts
CDSL Demat Account Market Share Increases To 78%
Angel One Catching Up To Zerodha In Active Users To Become Number 2 Brokerage Firm In Country: Report
Groww Users Can't Apply For IPOs Due To Technical Glitch, Social Media Erupts
Case Of The Vanishing Mutual Fund: Groww User Alleges Fraud And Deception
Groww has come under fire as an investor has claimed that the investment platform did not invest the funds it had received.
Investors Complain Of Delay In Mutual Fund Allotment On June 4 On Various Investment Platforms
Mutual fund orders delayed on June 4 despite placing before cut off time, causing investors to miss out on buying at lower NAV during market crash.