Kronox Lab Sciences IPO aimed to raise Rs 130.15 crore, which will be done entirely through an offer-for-sale (OFS) of 95,70,000 equity shares. On the final day of bidding, the IPO received an overwhelming response, with bids totalling 7.91 crore equity shares, representing 118.22 times the 66.99 lakh shares on offer. The Kronox Lab Sciences IPO allotment status is set to be finalised today.
If you applied for the IPO, here is how you can check the Kronox IPO allotment status.
Checking Allotment Status on Registrar's Website:
Follow these steps to check the Kronox IPO allotment status
- Visit the registrar's website.
- Click on "Company Selection" and choose "Kronox Lab Sciences" from the dropdown menu.
- Then you can enter your PAN, application number, or Demat.
- Enter the captcha and click Submit to retrieve the Kronox IPO allotment status
Checking IPO Allotment Status on BSE:
- Go to the BSE website.
- Click on the ‘Equity' section and select "Kronox Lab Sciences " from the dropdown menu.
- Enter your application number or PAN.
- Click on the ‘Search' button.
- The result will show the number of shares allotted to you.
If all the details are entered correctly and the allotment has been finalised, the Kronox IPO allotment status will be visible.
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Kronox IPO Subscription Status
The Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) portion was subscribed 89.03 times, the Non-Institutional Investors (NIIs) portion 302.99 times, and the retail investors’ portion 55.72 times.
In terms of IPO allocation, 50% of the net offer is reserved for QIBs, 15% for NIIs, and 35% for retail investors. The company also raised ₹39.05 crore from six anchor investors by allocating 28.71 lakh shares at ₹136 apiece.
Kronox IPO GMP
The Kronox IPO GMP is currently reported at ₹40, down from ₹85-90 reported earlier when the IPO opened. This suggests an expected listing gain of about 29% for investors.
About Kronox Lab Sciences
Kronox Lab Sciences manufactures high-purity speciality fine chemicals used across various industries, including APIs, pharma formulations, nutraceuticals, biotech, agrochemicals, personal care, metal refineries, and animal healthcare. The company has established a strong market position and a global footprint, exporting to over 20 countries. Despite facing competition from both domestic and international companies, Kronox Lab Sciences has maintained a competitive edge through its exclusive product offerings and significant export presence.
For the nine months ending December 31, 2023, the company reported a net profit of ₹15.46 crore on revenue of ₹68.44 crore. For the financial year 2022-23, it posted a net profit of ₹16.62 crore on revenue of₹ 97.50 crore.
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