Apple has unveiled its priciest laptop yet, the 16-inch MacBook Pro with the M3 Max chip, priced at a whopping ₹3,99,900. This launch introduces Apple’s latest M3 chip lineup: the standard M3, M3 Pro, and the high-end M3 Max. These chips promise enhanced performance, making the MacBook Pro even more powerful.
Who’s This For? Professionals such as developers, designers, and researchers who need a bit more power will find that the 14- and 16-inch MacBook Pro with the M3 Pro chip is specifically designed for intensive tasks. The starting prices for these are ₹1,69,900 for the 14-inch and ₹2,49,900 for the 16-inch variant, with costs rising based on configurations.
The M3 Max version, available in both 14 and 16 inches, is a beast in terms of performance. Heavy-duty users, including those in 3D design, video editing, and machine learning, are the target audience for its design. And for those who fancy a sleek look, the M3 Pro and Max models now come in a stylish space-black finish.
But it’s not just about power. These MacBook Pros boast a stunning Liquid Retina XDR display that’s 20% brighter, a clearer 1080p camera, a six-speaker audio system, and a variety of connectivity options.
Additionally, these laptops offer a battery life of up to 22 hours, ensuring consistent performance whether you plug them in or use them on the go. Eager customers can place their orders now, with shipping starting on November 7.
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