If You Invested ₹10,000 In BSE 6 Months Back, Here's How Much You'd Have Today
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Bombay Stock Exchange, the oldest stock exchange in Asia, has seen a significant surge in its share price over the past six months. Just today, shares of the company surged over 12% to hit a new 52-week high of ₹787.95.

The Investment: If you had invested ₹10,000 in BSE six months ago, on January 12, 2023, you would have been able to purchase around 18 shares at the price of ₹532.5. Today, those shares would be worth ₹13,608, given the current market price of ₹756 per share. That’s a substantial return of over 36% on your investment.

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Background: The company’s shares soared over 12% to hit a new 52-week high of ₹787.95, following a rating upgrade from analysts at ICICI Securities. The brokerage firm upgraded the stock's rating to "add" from "hold", raising the price target to ₹746 from ₹640.

Price Action: BSE share price was up 7.65% to 753.65 in the late hours of trading on Wednesday.

Disclaimer: Benzinga India doesn’t give financial advice. The above article is for educational purposes alone.

Editor’s Note: Artificial intelligence was used as a secondary aid in the writing of this story.

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