The Indian adaptation of the business reality show, Shark Tank India, has seen over ₹100 crore of investments across its first two seasons, as per a Redseer report. According to the report, 27 startups that appeared on the show secured deals six times greater in value from outside investors within a span of 1.5 years.
Investment Breakdown
BoAt co-founder Aman Gupta was the most active shark, securing 70 deals with a total investment of ₹24.6 crore. Peyush Bansal, co-founder of Lenskart, and Namita Thapar, CEO of Emcure Pharmaceuticals, secured 67 and 62 deals, respectively, with total investments of ₹21.55 crore and ₹20.66 crore.
Industry Focus
Almost 90% of the pitches were related to consumer-facing concepts, with the Food and Beverages sector receiving the biggest share of the pie. The remaining pitches were based on the B2B segment, with the majority of B2B deals made by Thapar and Bansal, who have expertise in the healthcare and manufacturing sectors, respectively.
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Startups’ Background
Most pitchers hailed from metro cities and have studied in top IITs and premier business schools. The majority of the businesses were headquartered in metros, with the rest situated in Tier 1 and Tier 2, or smaller cities. Most pitched startups have been in business for more than 2 years.
Additional Context
As per the report, the sharks got better deals with significantly higher equity than what was pitched on the show due to tough negotiations. Six of the eight sharks appearing on the show preferred businesses in the food and beverage industry, while the rest preferred healthcare.
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