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Andrea Unger
Benzinga Contributor
Trading the VIX, the Fear Index: Development and Optimization of a Trading System
DAX Trading: Exploring an Opening Range Breakout Strategy – Code and Optimizations
Using The ADX Indicator In Trading: Practical Gold Futures Example
Copper Trading Strategies: Leveraging Market Bias for Enhanced Performance
In this article, we'll dive into a unique aspect of the copper market that we can leverage to develop a systematic trading strategy.
Trading on RBOB Gasoline Futures: A Trend-Following Strategy to Diversify the Strategy Portfolio
In this article, we will explore the creation of a trend-following trading system on the RBOB Gasoline futures traded on the CME. Our aim is to diversify trading strategies within an energy futures portfolio.
Trading on Natural Gas: Analysis of Weekly Bias and its Persistence over Time in the Commodity Market
Identifying a market bias, i.e., a recurring behavior in price trends, is one of the most straightforward approaches when trading commodities. This article focuses on Natural Gas futures (Henry Hub Natural Gas - NG) to check whether a weekly bias we analyzed more than a year ago, thanks to software developed by Unger Academy, i.e., the Bias Finder, is still present and exploitable.
Trading On The Nasdaq: Exploiting Volatility Explosions Using An ATR-Based Strategy
In this article we will test a trading system based on a trend-following breakout logic, applied to one of the world's most famous and most traded indexes, the Nasdaq.
Trading On The Mini S&P 500: A Trend-Following Strategy Based On Pivot Points
Do Pivot Points work in systematic trading? This article will attempt to answer this question by defining precise rules and creating a trading system on the world's best-known and most traded future, the Mini S&P500.
Trading The Nasdaq: Improving A Strategy With The Day Drop Pattern As A Downtrend Filter
Price patterns are an essential tool in trading systems, not so much as a starting point but rather as a filter applied to the operation of the 'engine' of a particular strategy. This article will discuss the "Day Drop" pattern, a downtrend filter tested with a real strategy on a highly volatile market like the Nasdaq.
Trading FAANG Stocks: A Breakout Trading System For Google Stocks
In this article, we will show you how to trade the U.S. stock market using a simple but effective trading system based on a break-out approach and able to exploit the main upward movements of this market.
Enhancing Trading Diversification With Bollinger Bands: A Mean-Reverting Strategy For Futures
To increase portfolio diversification, in this article, we will evaluate using another very well-known indicator in the trading landscape: Bollinger bands.
Heating Oil Futures Trading Strategy: Riding Trends With The Donchian Channel
In this article, we will try to develop a trading system on the CME-listed Heating Oil (NY Harbor ULSD), with the idea of diversifying into energy futures. Similar to gasoline futures (RBOB Gasoline), this is a smaller instrument in terms of volume than the better-known Crude Oil. Still, it has the standard trend-following behavior typical of many energy futures.
Uncovering Hidden Biases In Gold Futures Market
The concept of bias, or recurring price behavior over time, is one of the simplest triggers on which a trading strategy can be built. A bias is an inefficiency of a market or financial instrument that recurs systematically, for example, in specific time frames or days of the week. When it occurs over longer periods, it is usually referred to as seasonality.
How To Trade Futures Using Williams %R
In this article, we're going to evaluate the use of one of the most famous indicators in the trading landscape: the "Williams Percent Range," better known as “%R.”
Why Quick Money Should Never Be Your Motivation to Trade
Post pandemic, I think we can all agree that a new generation of traders has emerged. At the height of restrictions in late March and early April 2020, more than 310 million Americans were under directives to stay at home. With movie theaters, stadiums, bars, restaurants closed to limit the propagation of the pandemic; many started day trading.